Sunday, December 16, 2012

Dear Journal,

        I believe this is going to be my last journal entry. Thousands of years have passed and the mortals no longer believe we exist. The Olympians have lost their power. The immortals have grown weak and my kingdom is collapsing. I sense fear among my family. Maybe it is time for us to leave, and live among the stars. The humans from now on will be on their own. The time has come for the almighty Zeus to rest...

Dear Journal,

        I can still remember when the nymph, Io, caught my heart. I lusted after her. Every midnight I would whisper in her ear. However, I was afraid of my jealous wife, Hera. I tried using the clouds to cover Io from Hera. Still, she went on to investigate. As an act of desperation and in an attempt to hide my crimes, I quickly transformed her into a white beautiful cow. However, Hera was still suspicious and send that fool Argus to keep me separated from her. As a result, I commanded Hermes to kill him, but Hera commanded Io to wander the earth without rest, plagued by a gadfly. Fortunately, she was a sharp nymph and escaped across the Ionian sea. There I found her and returned her to her human form.

Dear Journal,

        A couple of days ago, I fell in love with this beautiful woman, Europa. I had a plan to seduce her. I transformed into a white bull and mixed with her father's herd. She looked so beautiful. He beauty exceeded those of the flowers. She rapidly noticed me, and lovingly touched my flanks and I presumed that out of impulse she got onto my back. I took advantage of this opportunity and ran to the sea and swam until I reached the island of Crete. I then revealed my true identity to her. She then became the queen of Crete. I'll never forget her beauty.

Dear Journal,

        Perseus' great-grandson Heracles is just an astonishing mortal. I consider him the greatest of the Greek Heroes. He has extraordinary strength, ingenuity, and courage. Not only did he completed the ten labors by King Eurysthesus, but also wrestled with the giant Antaeus and tricked Atlas into taking the sky back on to his shoulder. One of my favorite sons indeed! Heracles is a mortal deemed to be God. I don't care what my wife Hera thinks about him.

Dear Journal,

        I'm really proud of my lineage of sons. The seed of my relationship with Danae is Perseus. I'm very proud of Perseus. An honorable man and a dignified hero. He was ordered by Polydectes to cut the head of the only mortal gorgon, Medusa. It was a tough challenge, so I decided to give him some aid. He easily tricked the Graea, or the three witches who share the same eye, in order to obtain the location of the nymphs. The nymphs gave him a knapsack, and I gave him the adamantine sword and Hade's helm of darkness to hide. Hermes lent him sandals to fly, and Athena gave him a polished shield. By using the reflection of the polished shield, Perseus cut off Medusa's head! Perseus is a man worth of being called a hero, and a true man of being called my son!

Dear Journal,

        Today, I heard the cries of many hungry people. I was stunned. I called all the Gods to a meeting to find out what was happening with all the people down in Earth. According to my son, Helios, my brother Hades kidnapped Persephone. As a result, Demeter, in despair for her daughter's disappearance doesn't let the earth produce. I immediately went to speak with my brother Hades, and forced him to return Persephone. Unfortunately, Persephone had already consumed food in the underworld. I had to send Hermes to retrieve her, but she is obliged to spend 4 months of a year in the underworld. At least, Persephone is now able to return with her mother.

Dear Journal,

        My family has largely grown and my reign has become powerful. Today, the titan, Prometheus, decided to defy me. I decided to use his craftsmanship and tasked him with the creation of man. At first, I had no issue at all with him giving fire to man, but his decision to trick me cost man their fire. Yet, he decided to steal the Flame of Olympus and give it to the mortals! He was fortunate enough that I spared his life and this is how he repays me! As a result, I decided to punish him and his creation. Prometheus will be chained in the Caucasus Mountains were an eagle will torment him by feeding off his liver only to be grown again the next day. As for men, I've created a mortal of stunning beauty, Pandora, the first woman. I've given her a jar that she has forbidden to open. Inside the jar resides all the evils of humanity.
        I hope this serves as a lesson to all of those who dare to defy the great God, Zeus!!