Sunday, December 16, 2012

Dear Journal,

        I can still remember when the nymph, Io, caught my heart. I lusted after her. Every midnight I would whisper in her ear. However, I was afraid of my jealous wife, Hera. I tried using the clouds to cover Io from Hera. Still, she went on to investigate. As an act of desperation and in an attempt to hide my crimes, I quickly transformed her into a white beautiful cow. However, Hera was still suspicious and send that fool Argus to keep me separated from her. As a result, I commanded Hermes to kill him, but Hera commanded Io to wander the earth without rest, plagued by a gadfly. Fortunately, she was a sharp nymph and escaped across the Ionian sea. There I found her and returned her to her human form.


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